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Improving learner outcomes

Sensory Support Services
School Staff Training and Mentoring Programmes

Providing your service with an in-house training and mentoring programme to support school staff in achieving the best outcomes for all deaf, VI and MSI children and young people.

OLT infographic

In partnership with

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Icon for impactful

for School Staff

Having the knowledge, tools and confidence to improve outcomes for children and young people.

Icon for rewards

Enjoyable and Rewarding
for Specialist Teachers

Using specialist skills to grow and embed best practice in meeting sensory needs within schools.

Icon for sustainability

for Your Service

Cost effective, time-saving for your team, impact and outcomes metrics, income generation (future-proofing).

Working together to ensure accessible and inclusive environments tailored to individual needs

Photo of Richard Skelton

Book a call with your service coordinator Richard Skelton, Educational Psychologist
to explore which options will help to achieve the outcomes most important to your service.

Book a call

for School Staff

Infographic says Over 150K

courses taken

Infographic says 85%

significant increase in school staff confidence

Infographic says 79.1%

of CYP meet or exceed their personalised SMART goals

Online Training and Resources

  • Flexible online training on deafness, VI or MSI courses which adapts to the school staff schedules.
  • Enjoyable and engaging format with a variety of media.
  • Comprehensive, modular training which moves through three core sections: Understanding, Assessment and Intervention followed by Case Studies.
  • AI facilitated ADPRs to prioritise and help implement targeted approaches.
  • Confidently know how to create accessible and fully inclusive classrooms and curriculums for children with sensory needs.
  • Have the tools and resources to share with other staff in school.

Icon for knowledge Knowledge

School staff have solid foundations in understanding the individual needs of their students with sensory needs.

Icon for resources Skills and Resources

School staff have the tools and resources they need to start making a difference in the classroom for children and young people.

Enjoyable and Rewarding
for Specialist Teachers

Icon for specialist teacher rating

Specialist teacher / Mentor rating

Icon for time saving

Time saving

Icon for coaching

Psychological Supervision and Coaching

Solution-Focused Coaching

  • Training by Psychologists to empower Specialist Teachers of sensory needs with psychological supervision and solution-focused coaching methods.
  • Framework and templates for group supervision and coaching with school staff that can efficiently enhance service delivery and outcomes for children and young people.
  • Simplified Set Up to onboard school staff onto training, track and monitor progress, and set up group supervision and coaching sessions.
  • Creating a learning environment for school staff that allows them to ask for advice or challenge preconceptions as they arise to scaffold learning and embed practice.


  • Maximising Sustainable Outcomes for children and young people
    Empower, motivate and build staff confidence to embed approaches for particular children.
  • Embedding Practice Across Schools
    Nurturing and growing school staff’s embedded practice in a way which leads to changes in the culture and landscape within schools.
  • Utilising Specialist Teachers Specialist Knowledge and Skills
    Specialist Teachers have the capacity to utilise their unique skills and experience in the most impactful way; to work with staff in problem-solving, developing personalised interventions, and other projects which can change the landscape of education.

for Your Service

Icon for team around team

Team Around the Team

Icon for live dashboard

Live data dashboard

Impact Monitoring and Reporting

  • A live dashboard for Heads of Service to see the data on user numbers, engagement, impact outcomes (and other KPIs) to make decisions and demonstrate best value to others.
  • Working with you to maximise the return on investment / 'value for money' for your service.

Models of Financing and Income Generation

  • Flexible models that work with your service structure to enable ease of initial uptake and scalability.
  • Options to easily add the programmes to your additional traded offer; either now or in the future.

A Team Around Your Team

We don’t want to just provide your team with the tools to make this a success; instead we want to be the team behind your team to facilitate and enable you all to do what you do best.

  • If your team want a resource creating; we’re here for that.
  • If your team want to make the staff training bespoke to your approaches; we are there for this.
  • If you want to raise the awareness and status of Sensory needs within schools; we can do this.

Book A Call

Photo of Richard Skelton

Book a call with your service coordinator Richard Skelton, Educational Psychologist
to explore which options will help to achieve the outcomes most important to your service.

Book a call

Our partnerships

Berkshire Sensory Consortium ServiceBrisbane Catholic EducationBristol City CouncilCambridgeshire County CouncilDurhamEast Sussex County CouncilHalton Borough CouncilHarris Academy PeckhamKent County CouncilLewisham CouncilLGfLnasenNational Deaf Children's SocietyNatSIP - National Sensory Impairment PartnershipOxfordshire County CouncilRoyal Borough of Greenwichtes SEN ShowUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationUniversity of BathWokingham Borough Council

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