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Your step-by-step guide to Daisy: your new virtual assistant - 7th Jul 2023

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Looking to get the most out of Daisy, our new friendly and knowledgeable virtual assistant?

We’ve created Daisy to be as intuitive and easy as possible but understand that sometimes everyone needs a little helping hand when using something new. So, whether you are a participant, lead or tutor, we have written a helpful guide, just for you, to explain everything you need to know about using Daisy:

Help guide – participants

Help guide – tutors

Help guide – leads

Don’t forget, you can also access our help guides via our site's help pages or in the Support Materials folder in your course!

To locate our Daisy's (Virtual Assistant) help pages:

Step 1: Click on the Support tab on our website.

Step 2: Click on Help.

Step 3: Select either Participant, Tutor, or Lead.

Step 4: Scroll down to sections 6 or 7 to view our guides.

We’re excited to be introducing Daisy to our community and can’t wait to hear what you think!

The OLT Team

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