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'Change the D’s in ADHD' with our new live webinar - 3rd Mar 2022

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‘Distractable, Difficult and Defiant’. When we think of ADHD we can often associate it with a challenge, so join behaviour expert Fin O Regan this March and discover how you can turn this challenge into an opportunity!

With our new webinar ‘Changing the D’s in ADHD’ learning and behaviour specialist Fin O’Regan will change how you think about ADHD.

Aimed at newly qualified, experienced teachers and even parents too, this session is perfect for those looking to develop new evidence-informed strategies both in and out of the classroom.

Webinar overview

Webinar title: Changing the D’s in ADHD

Host: Fin O’Regan

Date: 31st March

Time: 4pm – 5.30pm

Cost: Free!

How to book: Register on Gotowebinar

What this webinar will offer:

The Case for making the change

Make a case for replacing Deficit with Developmental and Disorder with Difference, and show how this change could alter our attitude towards ADHD and how we support these pupils.

Systems and Strategies for support

Outline a number of key strategies to support the ‘characteristic traits’ in terms of learning and behaviour in classroom settings.

Flexibility in action

Consider how mood, motivation and movement can be effectively applied to support learning and behaviour.

Rapport and Relationships

Discuss a range of effective communication options to develop rapport and trust. Plus, peer to peer situations both within structured and non-structured settings.

Working with families

Look at the essential partnership with parents and carers and the role they play at different transition points on the learning journey.

Live Comments and Q&A Session

We offer a rare opportunity to ask direct questions at registration so you can personalise your learning experience, and enjoy a chance to share ideas and strategies with your peers

CPD to showcase your learning

On completion of the webinar, we offer all attendees an OLT CPD certificate so you can evidence your commitment to professional learning.

Register your interest now!

Book now by visiting Gotowebinar and be among the first to secure your place. Our webinars are always popular, so make sure you book early to avoid disappointment. Can’t make the live session? Register anyway so we can send you the post-session on demand link as soon as it’s available!

Know someone who would benefit?

This webinar offers knowledgeable content that is both valuable and timely, so why not share this event with a colleague or a family, who haven’t heard about our free SEND webinars yet? We’ll be sharing some exclusive content on social media in the lead up to this event so remember to follow our new posts and help spread the word!

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