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Growing together. Join us for children’s mental health week 2022 - 28th Jan 2022

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It may be Children’s Mental Health Week from 7th - 13 February, but here at OLT we believe it’s essential to provide support for children’s mental health all year round. A massive 1 in 6 children and young people are reported to have a diagnosable mental health problem, and without help, many continue to struggle with these problems into adulthood.

The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘Growing Together’ and this year’s theme aims to encourage children and young people to explore how they’ve grown emotionally, what they need to help them grow and how they can help others to grow too.

Free resources for parents and carers are available from the charity Place2Be, to help you take part and many of the ideas can be adapted for use in school, at home, online lessons or independent learning.

Help support children’s mental health week

We’ll also be supporting teachers, parents and carers during children’s mental health week by sharing wellbeing activities, inspirational stories and tips and advice about how to support children with their mental health.

The good news, it's easy to get involved in four simple steps:

You can also find out more about children’s mental health week and take a look at the free resources available on the Place2Be website.

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