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Free school webinars for stress awareness month 2024 - 17th Apr 2024

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Stress Awareness month 2024 is currently underway and for schools across the UK, it marks an opportunity to focus on the importance of good mental health and wellbeing.

The theme for this year’s Stress Awareness Month is: Little by little, a little becomes a lot and highlights the transformative impact of consistent, small positive actions on over-all wellbeing.

This year, we’d like to emphasise how even the smallest steps taken each day towards self-care can yield significant improvements in mental health for children and young people. So, we’re sharing a list our favourite free resources, to help schools empower teachers to build a whole school approach around emotional regulation and resilience.

Free stress awareness month webinars:

We hope you enjoy our resources, please share with anybody in your setting who would benefit.

Best wishes,

The OLT Team

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